10 Steps to a Healthy Relationship

I want to address the giant elephant in the room that everyone is scared to talk about, relationship problems. That’s right, I said it. And be ready for what I say next…relationships are HARD. I don’t care if you’ve been together one year, or ten. Every day is a constant work in progress.
Most people that enter a relationship are under the impression that because they are in love, everything will flow and come easily, and it just isn’t true. Two people can be head over heels unbelievably, The Notebook status, in LOVE, but if they don’t put work into the relationship it doesn’t have a fighting chance of survival. Now, I am no relationship expert, but I have had some experience, both negative and positive, in this subject and I feel I have learned a thing or two. Here are 10 ways to keep it un Hunet (one hundred for those that don’t speak slang) in your relationship.

1. Don’t stop dating
Just because you have been together “forever” doesn’t mean that the chivalry can go out the window. You have to date each other. Plan something fun and special, even if it’s the cheapest date you can think of. Make it fun and make it work.

2. Fight fair
Take the boxing gloves off for God’s sake, this is not the Bad Girls Club. While it’s tempting to throw everything your significant other has ever done wrong in their face, when you’re angry, it will not help the situation and will only make things worse. Play nice, k?

3.Listen to each other

Listening and communicating is one of the best gifts you can give your partner. If they truly feel like what they say is important to you, nothing else in that moment is relevant.

4. Don’t let anyone come in between your bond

A relationship is a partnership. It’s like having a business partner, for life. If you can’t trust your business partner to have your back, in good times and bad, that is going to be a very hard business to ruin. So, you must never let anyone come in between your partnership, and if they try…shut it down.

5. Never let the love fizzle out
Always go to great lengths for your girl/man. Draw them a bath, cook them dinner, clean the house when they were expecting to do it themselves, write them love letters, send them an unexpected email or a picture saying you love them. It’s the little things, from day to day, that make a relationship tick and you can’t ever let that clock stop.

6. Be spontaneous
Spontaneity is one of the most important words you can remember in a relationship. Through time, we change so it’s important to constantly keep things new. If you are always keeping things spontaneous, it’s a way to keep the relationship from going stale.

7. Be thoughtful
This goes along with the listening. If you are a good listener, then you will be able to remember the little things; her favorite flower, inside jokes, a book she said she wanted…and just when she thought you were predictable? You go and bust that out and see her face light up like Christmas morning.

8. Never stop laughing
While it is so important to have deep conversation in a companionship, it is just as important to never lose humor. Be silly, be weird. It’s the reasons you fell in love in the first place.

9. Protect her
She is an independent woman who can take care of herself…and your point is???? Every woman wants to feel like a man cares enough to want you to be safe and protected. Be sure she is safe when driving. If she’s going to a bad area make sure she calls you when she’s done. Hold her like she is something to BE protected because she is that special to you.

10. (the most important rule of all…) don’t take what you have for granted
This is probably the most broken rule of relationships because sometimes people get so complacent with what they have. The greatness and effort goes unnoticed. If your significant other looks at you like you’re it, cooks your favorite meal, wants to hear about your day, challenges you, makes you want to be a better you….then wake up and start doing it back because he or she deserves an equal to do the same for them. Never lose sight of what is important to you because when you realize how great what you had was, you find yourself speaking in past tense. Regretting the things you could’ve done. Choose to be in the present, so you never have to regret what you once had.

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